Get to know me, Tanner Smith DW.

I Am Artist! 

I'm not just talking about painting and drawing, though I do love both, but I mean any kind of art that interests me. Drawing, Clay modeling, Sewing, Graphic Design, Digital art, Animation, and so on. If it seems fun to me, I give it a try. My current outside of school project is clay modeling. It's a lot of fun. Most of what I have made is Fan made. But I make original art work as well. I love animation, and am working on making animations as it is.

I Am Geek!

I am also a big fan of technology. My brother is a Programmer, and has taught me everything I know about computers, which is no where near as much as he knows, of course, but because of it I'm kind of in this odd median between art and technology. I love art and want to use it all through out my life, and I love technology wanting to use it as well. So by obvious reasons, I am also a video gamer. Further then that I have a deep love for Japan and the culture, so Anime and Manga are right up there on my list of favs.

I am Me!

This title sounds like the title to a bad pop song doesn't it? Anyways just a little more about me, I am a Christian, Major wolf fanatic, and happy going person. I seem to be very easy to talk to, since I can hold a conversation with even the hardest to deal with people. I don't know, feels like people flock to me sometimes. Like a magnet or something. And no matter what comes my way I try not to judge and always try to be as nice and polite and enjoyable to be around as I can be.

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